If you sense that business, communication with each other and even life has speed up in the last 4-8 years, then you are absolutely right. Mobile has brought a sea change, a significant change in lifestyles of customers. Our phones hold more capacity than computers, We can discover and obtain Whatever we want and wherever we want it. Customer pace and network means a lot for ambitious, enthusiastic aspiring entrepreneurs.
To launch a Ecommerce Industry business today is a different endeavor Than it was in earlier 2008 or even in 2012. In the past each doorway would shut until you have a good business plan, a good clear source of funding. A new global business culture has has alter those rules and regulation. Triump commence with an ability to turn killer ideas into value faster than your competitors.
The entrepreneurial adventure include facing new challenges every day between technology, users, design, accounting, laws, team and motivation.
The start-up culture is flooding the market with people who want and try to get their logistic industry business off the ground. Many entrepreneurs don’t know how to take their business to next level, where their brilliant idea is converted into a secure, established and money making business. There is nothing to worry if the founder is not a master in everything. To set ablaze the market you don’t need to be software engineer, or possess core competencies of coding, IT, It is all about understanding what needs to be done to drive business results. Most of the start-up is started by non-technical person, who have ideas. Finding a mobile application development partner for your company is not at all daunting as you may think. It can be pretty painless, if you know the best way to find the perfect person to partner with, who can bring your idea to life.
Know your main value: Before you actually commence the search for a Android application development and iPhone application development associate, Have a clear picture of what you have to do, Reason for doing it, and for the person whom you are doing it for. It It is essential to know where your firm expertise lies in, whether it is web Development Company or product base company also building mobile apps, development and design. Look for a partner that specialized in the field you are entering. Expand your network and pitch your business idea to potential technical co-founders or development partners. So it becomes possible to turn your breath taking idea into reality.
Engross Yourself In The Community
Make it a regime to spend few hours with tech co-worker, or local start-up be friendly with co-workers.During break time strike up a conversation with them.
Spend Time In Co-Working Spaces
As you have a business idea that you know like the back of your hand and that has been validated by your target audience or experts in the space. Think of every other channel you can think of to shout about your awesome idea instead of jumping on to LinkedIn, Facebook, Quora, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, Medium etc. If you want the help from community, keep the attitude to help them back. Share your proficiency if you have been asked to and become person of value.
Provide Your Network A Fair Chance To Play Matchmaker
Once you have commence building connection, and increase your network, then you can look for any matchmaker in the group.
At this point, you can send message to someone, whom you know quite well via LinkedIn or any other channel. Ask if they can pitch your business idea in the market or if they know anyone with whom you can do partnership. If they agree to hear your pitch and help you out make sure to give all required information like a bare bone business plan, the concept validation, and a prototype.
If you are introduced by a mutual relationship to a development partner, then you are in good position to build the relationship that takes your business idea to further level.
Help To Expand Geographically
To expand into new global market,requires their own infrastructure, challenges and opportunities. For eg if you want your application or product to grow in another country, let say US but your company is in Australia, Your partner should have people in Australia, that help your company to function and grow. A global partner knows the in and out of running an international business.
Talk About Your Accomplishment
It is essential to see the company’s previous work. The client reviews of their standard of work. Look beyond the website and interact with the real people to know what their customer say about the experience and return on their investment. Ensure that the potential associate is well aware about the industry trend, has swiftness and method in place to acquire that knowledge quickly.
Are You Offering A Full Suite Of Services?
Today’s digital market is so competitive that you can’t skip any part of the development process. You need people who know their stuff in ideation, validation, development, UX, UI and testing. These are the six key elements of app, web and product development.
These six areas your partner should be aware of, when you think about creating an app.
- Ideation
Explore the concept, expand and narrow functional possibilities, map key features and think through possible issues, snags and chances.
- Validation
Initially test your idea through market analysis, research, prototypes and focus groups.
- Design and Development
The technical work starts with requirement gathering, analysis, understanding, wire framing designing and coding the app or digital product, which includes main features and functionalities, customer service integration, invoicing and payment flows, map and location features, security and other technical details.
- Excellent User Experience
Ensure that app is simple, clean, and easily understandable from on boarding screens to strategic assessment, Smart UX work removes resistance to build an app that people love to use.
- User Interface
Professional UI builds clean, consistent, aesthetically pleasing product that attracts users. Design brand and everything is related with an app’s look and feel.
- Testing
It is a final stage to find and completely destroying bugs, clarify screens, user flows, improving onboarding process, and integrate feedback. Twist brand features and other required things that makes an app successful.
All these six stages needs specialized, deep and ever evolving expertise. It would take a lifetime to gain and maintain knowledge to run a business.
To Support As App Scale
Even the simple app has complex technology under the hood. If your business thrive and you need more support, changing partners after the product is built can be quite tricky and less cost effective. It’s not impossible to commence with a small team and move to a bigger firm, but you can save time and frustration if your current team can scale with you.
Look For Development Company For Partnership
It’s good if you are able find technical partner either through recommendation from your network or own relationship building. If you keep trying but come up empty, don’t panic.
The Good News Is You Don’t Need To Have A Technical Co-Founder In Order To Start Growing
In order to succeed it is not necessary to have technical expert who sell your vision. Technical co-founder is not required in initial stage. Try to be most value player first and find that product which is fit to the market. Technical work can be managed by a development agency. Once you have a company, then you require team of people to run the start up to proceed in successful way. You can even look at the top app development companies on sites like Good firms, Glassdoor, Clutch co and check out their portfolios.
Build mobile apps in Android and IPhone that take your business to the next level.