If you are looking for the best PHP frameworks then this article will give you a good insight into it. The article contains the best PHP website development frameworks that help developers to build more complex, secure and well-rounded web applications faster than ever before. Developers can choose a framework that is structured, efficient fast track for developing web applications or APIs.
For the common functions such as security, authentication, database handling, templating, URL handling and other needs code doesn’t have to be written more than once.
PHP is one of the best programming language, suitable for server-side web development. It provides a basic structure for efficient web development in PHP. It speeds up the development process. Frameworks are gaining attention and popularity, businesses can fulfill their performance needs using PHP frameworks.
You Can Have a Look At Trending PHP Frameworks That Are More Secure.
Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework design for rapidly building applications using the MVC architecture. It is the most popular PHP framework having a giant community of developers. It is only one framework which crypt passwords and have integrated token for every submits of form or page visit Laravel is the first framework for the introduction of routing in an abstract way. It takes out the hassle of coding, the lightweight blade template engine, unit testing ORM, a packaging system, Restful controllers, etc. The best thing that Laravel handles well are no SQL structures like MongoDB or Redis. Laravel recently came up with Nova, a beautiful administration panel design for a product developer who wants to come up with new creations.
Symfony is a PHP web application framework and a set of reusable PHP components or libraries. The creation and maintenance of web application can speed up with Symfony. It gives developers full control over the configuration to build robust enterprise applications. It is possible to customize everything from the directory structure to the foreign libraries. The developers can test, debug and document projects with the additional tools of Symfony.
Code Igniter is an open-source, lightweight, for rapid web application development framework. It can be installed by uploading it directly to your hosting without any requirement of special software installation or special command line. It is used for building dynamic websites with PHP. Code Igniter is famous for its speed when compared to other PHP frameworks. Developers can maintain modular grouping of the controller, model, and view that is arranged in a sub-directory format. It comes with many inbuilt libraries for unit testing, form validation, sessions, emails, and much more. It is easy to build your own library if you can’t find the one you are looking for.
Zend Framework is a popular professional framework used for a high-performance enterprise-level application. It provides user support of the model view controller with a combination of a front controller solution. It has tons of authentication components feeds, forms, services and more. It is a secure framework with extensibility.
Zend Framework Features Are As Follows.
Fully object- oriented components
Loosely coupled components and minimal interdependencies, use at will architecture.
Support multiple database systems and vendors
Email composition, delivery, retrieval.
Support many types of back ends with flexible caching subsystems
MVC implementation is extensible, support layouts.
Zend helps developers to create APIs, documentation of APIs, authentication of APIs, Easy modification.
Cake PHP is an ideal framework that helps in rapidly developing commercial web apps. It comes with code generation functionality to speed up the development process. Its security features include measures to prevent XSS, SQL injection, CSRF and tools for form validation. A software engineering concepts and software design patterns for model view controller, active record, association data mapping, and the front controller is used.
Yii framework is a simple and progressive framework for developing modern web applications. It is suitable for all kinds of web apps so it is a universal web programming framework. It has an easy installation process with its robust security features and is highly suitable for secure e-commerce projects, portals, CMS, forums, and many others. It has excellent speed and performance and the developer is hassle-free from the complexity of writing repetitive SQL statements. It is extensible and you can customize nearly every piece of the core’s code.
Phalcon is a PHP framework that is based on MVC web architecture design pattern and uniquely built as C-extension. It can be easily installed and is suitable for creating a highly configurable web application in line with enterprise development guidelines. It increased execution speed, top security, caching, asset management. It optimizes performance due to its efficient memory utilization. If you want to create a quick website then go for Phalcon. It first long term support release involve support for PHP7.
Phalcon has data storage tools like own SQL dialect PHQL as well as Object document mapping for Mongo DB. Other features include template engines, form builders, the application can be built easily with international language support. It is ideal for building performance REST APIs as well as a full-fledged web application.
Fuel PHP is a flexible, full-stack framework of PHP, it supports the MVC design pattern and has its own version of the hierarchical model view controller. It consumes less time and memory. Developers can deliver end to end web solutions of diverse size and complexities. It includes HMVC implementation, RESTful implementation, a URL routing system, caching system, and danger protection. It extends its security approach beyond ordinary making a great option for a secure web app.
Slim is used to build lightweight RESTful API and add on features such as URL handling & routing, and HTTP caching. Slim is easy, actively maintained and have extensive beginner-friendly documentation.
PHPixie is a lightweight new framework that compiles fast, easy to start and is modularized. It comes with a great tool for cryptography and security, support for MongoDB and code sharing with the composer. Due to its few modules has lower popularity compared to other frameworks.
These PHP frameworks are a great help to develop the web app. The developer needs to consider certain aspects like speed, ease of use, available features, documentation, dependencies or hosting resources it requires. Scalability should also be considered if you expect growth that exceeds the capacity of your application.
Looking for an effective Web Development PHP Framework? then feel free to Get in Touch with SSTECH SYSTEM.